B.S.E. Software Engineering, pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Science at Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering, Arizona State University. A passionate software developer with proficiency in Java, Python, C++, JavaScript, and Scala, having experience in Back-end Server Development, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Distributed Database Systems, and Android Application Development. I am currently seeking an opportunity as a Software Engineer, a full-time job.
M.C.S., Computer Science (Big Data Systems)
Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Aug. 2018 - May. 2020
B.S.E., Software Engineering.
Nantong University, China
Sept. 2013 - Jun. 2017
Design and Implementation of an Online Bookstore Management System
- A Java EE web project consists of administrator management, user management, book management, order management
- Developed a Java Web application based on Struts framework, Ajax, Apache Tomcat and Mysql, utilized Design Patterns in UML such as Singleton Pattern, Factory Pattern and Abstract Factory Pattern to model the complex business logic layer
- Deployed the system on a Cloud Server and maintenance
The Implementation and Empirical Research of Vehicle License Plate Recognition Algorithm Based on SVM and MLP
- A system which detects the vehicles on the road and extracts the license plate number automatically
- Implementation of Machine Learning algorithms including using Support Vector Machines (SVM) for automatic vehicle license plate detection and Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLP) to automatically recognize numerical and English characters
- Analyzed the results of the whole system in the real-world and adjusted corresponding parameters to improve accuracy
Mental Health Topic Extraction and Classification
- A Topic Extraction and Classification System on mental health discussion
- Crawled data related to mental health such as PTSD, anxiety, depression, sexual abuse, etc. from Raddit and applied preprocessed data to Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to extract relevant topics
- Visualized results with Word Cloud in Python and analyzed positive or negative topics based on words returned
T-LeadLine: Interactive Visual Analysis of Textual Data (Topic Discovery & Event Exploration)
- A textual data driven event identification and exploration system
- Topic Model building, events extracting and summarizing with the format of abstraction, spatial-temporal information and related persons network, extended with topic ranking feature
- Major techniques including Named-entity Recognition (NER), Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), detecting topic burst change (CUSUM), finding time-sensitive terms of given topic and time (TFIDF) and visualizing results with D3.js
Human Activity Recognition from Myo sensors
- A computing system that can understand human activities. a) identify known activities, b) segment sequence of activities,
and c) identify unknown activities. - Data collection: wore Myo wristband to record activities with timestamps. Feature extraction: extracted statistical features (min, max, avg, std, RMS). Dimension reduction: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD)
- Trained Decision Tree Classifier (DTS), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) with the training data and then used the test data to report accuracy
Geo-spatial Hotspot Analysis based on Hadoop and Spark Using Scala language
- Deployed Apache Spark in a Hadoop Cluster on the AWS, implemented four basic functions to do spatial queries and hot spot analysis on the dataset of New York City Yellow Cab Taxi Trip Data
- Hot zone analysis: performed a range join operation on a rectangle dataset and a point dataset to obtain the number of points located within the rectangle; calculated the hotness of all the rectangles
- Hot cell analysis: applied spatial statistics to spatio-temporal big data to identify statistically significant spatial hot spots using Getis-Ord G_i^* statistic
Customized Weight Control Android Application
- An Android Application aimed to control weight by providing excercise suggestions based on current health information combined with the number of expected calories to burn and food consumption in a single day
- Used Android Studio as the IDE, JDK 8, SQLite database. UI design, implementation of different components
- Team leader, main contributors to the project
Software Requirements and Specification in a Healthband Device Development
- Specified goals, use cases, scenarios, and a prototype in the development process of a Requirements Engineering project
- Analyzed the system-as-is and purposed what the system-to-be should be. Drew goal modeling and responsibility modeling graphs in Objectiver and integrated all goals, requirements, software component design in Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL)
- Designed and developed a healthband device prototype based on AADL results
The implementation of Bigtable-like DBMS based on RDBMS Using Java
- Designed and implemented a typical RDBMS consisting of Disk Space Management, Buffer Management, Transaction
Management, B+ tree and Hash-based Indexing, Query Evaluation, and Exception handling modules. - Used modules of RDBMS as building blocks for the Bigtable-like DBMS which stored map-like records indexed by row key, column key, value key, and timestamp.
- The completed Bigtable-like DBMS supported insertion, deletion, modification to the map-like records of big tables, queries based on row, column, value, timestamp filters, and I/O counts of queries
Arizona State University, Graduate Service Assistant (Part-time)
- Provided academic support for undergraduates in programming skills
- Assisted with communication between professor and students
- Scholarships for Students Studying Abroad at The University of Manchester, UK
- Academic Scholarships for Undergraduates (top 10%)
- Group Award for Undergraduate Service Outsourcing Entrepreneur Competition
Programming Skills: Java, Python (pandas, numpy, scikit-learn, matplotlab, flask, pytorch), C++, JavaScript, Scala
Database Systems: SQL, MySQL, SQLite, Hadoop, Spark, PostgreSQL
Others: D3.js (Data Visualization), AWS, Git, Shell Scripting, Android, MATLAB, Docker
Thank you for taking time to read my resume. Looking forward working with you.